An aromatic specialty of Ayutthaya once conjured up on the rowboats that sailed through the city’s rivers and canals, the aptly named Boat Noodles are as popular today as they were upon their introduction to the country in the 1940s. And while the vendors today have traded in their paddles for street food stalls, the dish, a combination of tender noodles, roasted pork (or beef), fried pork skin and a tangy, dark broth, remains as flavorful as ever.
Once word about this mouth-watering delight got out, the dish spread throughout the country like wildfire, and today it is just as easy to get a serving in Bangkok or Chiang Mai as it is Ayutthaya.
Still served in the same small bowls that allowed vendors to cook and paddle at the same time, there remain few better ways to unlock the flavors of Thailand’s past than with a bowl (or two) of delicious Ayutthaya Boat Noodles.
